Saturday, February 7, 2009

so, whacha doing?

i should find a way to distinguish which entries are for which project. this entry, for instance, is more of a journal entry than a project update.

so, what have i been doing? well, when i'm not reading for school, i'm reading Nausea. It's a short book (only a couple hundred pages), but it's a slow read. a crazy person who's always referring to french places is just a little hard to follow.

also been wasting a bunch of time on facebook playing mafia wars. i don't know why, but it's pretty addictive. i can't wait till i get tired of the game. it's basically a dressed up numbers game, so i don't expect to in it's thrall much longer. Check this, and this.

a new distraction is making demands on my attention. not much to say, since i haven't started, but i'm thinking about learning to draw. for real. i'm thinking about buying supplies next time i'm on campus.

as far as writing goes, not really feeling it. i'm basically on hold until rodd finishes the first draft of the screenplay. i tried to do something on another project (darla's world), but there's a ton of work to do there: political environment, religion, alternate ontologies, etc. soooooo, that's gonna come as it comes.


  1. quitter :D jk Let me know when you want to draw!

  2. i'm so not a quitter. i just have a lot of back burners is all. 8P
