Tuesday, November 4, 2008

character sketch: christopher cowman

i'm posting a short character sketch today. i don't know, maybe he'll show up later. harriot, oscar and dexter aren't the only power users in this world. i've got some back story for him, and i'll post it some time. right now i'm not entirely happy with it. maybe after some editing...

christopher knows he'll hang. he deserves no less. he saw it--so long ago but he could never forget. the moment his fist touched her face, the vision of his fate burned in his mind. it was like a lightning bolt landing just outside the window of a pitch black room, and just as violent.

he deserves it, but he's afraid. he doesn't want to die. so he runs. and he's been running since. he's a capable mechanic, and quiet, so he doesn't have much trouble getting jobs in the towns he passes. he tries to avoid people in general; if he touches them he gets a vision of their death. it's impossible to avoid entirely, though, and he excepts it as a sort of penance. sometimes he wonders why it doesn't hurt like the first time. sometimes he wishes it would. sometimes it hurts enough.


  1. how come he saw his own death when he punched her instead of seeing her death?

  2. well, it becomes more evident what his power is in his back story. remember everyone has a power with two aspects: observe and actuate. his power is to (a) see someone's death and (b) fix someone's death.

    by fix i mean that he can choose how someone will die and "enforce" it. in his life he might have used it maybe three times, always will in the grip of rage, and always involuntarily.

    so, to answer your question, when he hit the women you've yet to meet, he used the second aspect of his power on himself and fixed his own death.
